$375.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Ultimate Freelancer Bundle

Everything you need to find qualified leads, develop a signature process, lead a great discovery call, create a winning proposal and charge expert rates, plus a finance course in business fundamentals!

What you'll get:

  • Upwork Pro Course
  • Discovery Call Bootcamp
  • Create Your Signature Process
  • Accelerate - Advanced Upwork Training
  • Business Financial Quickstarter

Plus you'll get immediate access to these exclusive bonuses:

  • Loom Video Masterclass
  • Pitch Bundle
  • 4-Figure Proposal Template
  • Tax Deduction Guide for Freelancers
  • Join a private Facebook Group to ask questions and network

What People Are Saying:

Taking Lisa's course has allowed me to learn and implement steps that would've taken me years to figure out myself. It's an investment that's sure to pay off and she is an excellent coach and teacher.

Arianna Sepuca - Social Media Manager

"Lisa's courses are a no-brainer. Where else can you pick the brains of one of the most successful people on Upwork? I've been freelancing since 2015 - and I learned more with the Upwork Pro Course and Acclelerate than I'd worked out for myself in seven years! I've already made the cost of the course back - and can't recommend it highly enough - just do it!"

Gary Cooper - Video Scriptwriter

Lisa's courses are amazing! She gives so many tools, tips and processes to help you grow your business... Thanks to her I was able to land clients that really value my work and pay happily every month and I'm now making over 10k in my business every month, while still working my 9-5.

Karen - Facebook Ads Specialist